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Photo Facial Specialist

Marlene Rocha Farooq, MD

Family Medicine and Aesthetic Physician located in Long Beach, CA

Over the years, your skin comes into contact with pollutants, allergens, and the sun’s harsh UV rays. Combined, these factors can take a toll on your epidermis, leaving behind wrinkles, sun spots, spider veins, and other imperfections. At her practice in Long Beach, California, family practice and aesthetic physician Marlene Rocha Farooq, MD, offers photofacial and skin rejuvenation with Cynosure Icon™ and ThreeForMe laser treatment. Book your appointment today by calling or clicking the online scheduling tool.

Photo Facial Q & A

What is the Cynosure Icon?

The Cynosure Icon is an FDA-approved, noninvasive aesthetic treatment device that uses advanced laser technology to quickly and safely improve the appearance of dermatological issues like acne scars, redness, wrinkles, and fine lines.

What aesthetic treatments can the Cynosure Icon provide?

Skin rejuvenation treatment is incredibly versatile. Dr. Farooq uses the Cynosure Icon to provide a wide array of services, including:


Intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy involves directing targeted bursts of light deep below the surface of your skin. The process takes 30 minutes or less and causes the blood vessels below your epidermis to constrict, addressing redness and fine lines.

Laser hair removal

If you’re tired of waxing, plucking, or shaving, laser hair removal provides a safe, effective, and pain-free option. The Cynosure Icon targets unwanted body hair at its source: the follicle. It’s safe for use almost anywhere on your body, including your back, legs, and bikini area.

Acne scar reduction

Skin rejuvenation with the Cynosure Icon can also improve the appearance of both keloid and hypertrophic acne scars. By directing bursts of laser energy at your skin, Dr. Farooq is able to encourage the natural production of collagen and elastin.

What is ThreeForMe laser treatment?

ThreeForMe is a cutting-edge, noninvasive laser treatment designed to address sun-related skin conditions like spider veins, wrinkles, and sunspots.

Am I a good candidate for ThreeForMe laser treatment?

The only way to determine whether you’re a good candidate for ThreeForMe is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Farooq. Following a physical exam, review of your medical history, and discussion of your aesthetic goals, she can determine a course of treatment. 

How many ThreeForMe laser treatments will I need?

Everyone is different, but Dr. Farooq typically recommends a series of 2-3 treatments spaced one month apart. If you have multiple spider veins or noticeable wrinkles, additional appointments may be necessary.

Is there any downtime following a ThreeForMe laser treatment?

ThreeForMe laser treatment generally takes 30 minutes or less. After your appointment, you may experience some redness, swelling, or irritation. This is perfectly normal and should subside within 24-48 hours. 

Follow Dr. Farooq’s recovery instructions carefully, and take a day or two off work if necessary. 

If you’re interested in learning more about photofacial and skin rejuvenation with the Cynosure Icon or ThreeForMe laser treatment, call or use the online booking tool and request your consultation today.